Board of Directors

Hiroki Edo


After joining Gaiax Co., Ltd. in 2004, Edo started various businesses such as internet monitoring, cyberbullying prevention, and social application support. Following these successes he founded adish Co., Ltd., and is the current CEO. Positions in other organizations: Director at adish plus Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Board at adish International Corporation, Director at the Social Media Counseling Association.

Takuma Ishikawa


After working for a major telecommunication company and a mobile solution venture, Ishikawa joined Cresco Communications to launch the Marketing Solution Division and was appointed as the Division Manager. He worked on community management, customer support, web solutions, etc. After selling the business to Gaiax Co., Ltd, and together with the creation of adish Co., Ltd., he also joined the board of directors and Customer Solution Division Manager in 2014. From 2018, he was in charge of the manager of the Customer Solution Division and the Front Support Division. In 2021, he was appointed as the Executive Officer in charge of the Service Delivery Division and Enablement Division. He was the Executive Officer in January 2022, current position since March 2022. Positions in other organizations: CEO at adish plus Co., Ltd., since 2015.

Yoshikazu Kubo

Director and Executive Officer, Financial Planning Division Head

After starting his career in the accounting department of a major automobile sales company, he worked in the temporary staffing, food, and IT industries as a manager of the administrative department, overseeing everything from accounting and finance to human resources and labor. He joined adish Co., Ltd. in July 2017 as the Accounting Manager. As the head of the Accounting Division, he promoted the listing of the company on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Market  (Currently Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market) in March 2020. He was appointed as the Accounting and Finance Division Head in January 2021 and the Executive Officer and Financial Planning Division Head in January 2022. Currently position since March 2024.

Hirofumi Sawa

External Director

Hirofumi Sawa

Sawa joined Fujitsu Ltd. in 1991. He has a wide range of work experience ranging from programming to new business development, such as implementing internet services. After that, he engaged in new IT business development at Sojitz Corporation and engaged in business investment in a venture company at a major business investment company. In 2009, based on his experience in developing trend analysis services using big data, he became the CEO of Datasection Inc. After that, he served as the Chairman of Datasection Inc. He has sat on the board as an External Director of adish Co., Ltd. since 2020. Currently, he also serves as the External Director of Macbee Planet, Inc., the CEO of Estate Technologies Inc., the External Director of  ROBOT PAYMENT INC. and the External Director of DIGTAL PLUS, Inc.

Hirofumi Sawa

Masato Takahashi

External Director

Masato Takahashi

In 1982, Takahashi joined Recruit Co., Ltd. In 1995, Takahashi started a new Internet venture as a Division Manager. He also led the teams responsible for housing information business and car information business at the company. In 2007, Takahashi joined Rakuten, Inc. He was in charge of the domestic and overseas EC malls, logistics, direct marketing, auction businesses as a Managing Director. Takahashi has been independent since 2017. He has sat on the board as an External Director of adish Co., Ltd. since 2021. Currently, he has also served as the External Director of Unipos Inc. and WILL GROUP, INC.

Masato Takahashi

Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Osamu Akiba

Statutory Auditor

Osamu Akiba

Akiba has worked to establish a provider business since 1996 up until 2000, when he transferred to build the support center and infrastructure business for Recruit Staffing Co., Ltd. He later became the information security division head in the same company. In 2012, Akiba became an independent information security consultant. He joined adish in 2015, as the statutory auditor for the company in 2017.

Osamu Akiba

Yasushi Mabuchi

External Statutory Auditor

Takashi Iizuka

Since becoming a lawyer in 2002, Mabuchi has gained experience in a wide range of legal cases, from corporate to juvenile law. In 2008, he majored in tax law at Aoyama Gakuin University, and registered as a tax accountant in 2010. Four years later, he established the MINATO AOYAMA LAW OFFICE, a firm committed in the areas of tax and compliance consulting, as well as child abuse and juvenile cases. In April 2014, he took up the position as an external statutory auditor for adish.

Yasushi Mabuchi

Naho Isomura

External Statutory Auditor

Naho Isomura

Isomura began work at KPMG AZSA&Co., (currently KPMG AZSA LLC) for IPO support, internal control, government budget and operational auditing of a ilsted company. She was registered as a certified public accountant in 2012 and became the statutory auditor of Cyber Buzz, Inc. in 2017. In 2023, She joined adish Co., Ltd. as the external statutory auditor. She graduated from Yokohama National University and earned a Master of Business Administration, Bond University Business School.

Naho Isomura

Corporate Executive Officers

Yutaka Ozawa

Executive Officer in Charge of Service Delivery Division, Enablement Division, Digital Solution Division and Administration Division Head

After building his career in management at multiple IT related companies, such as foreign security system manufacturer and ticketing service company, Ozawa joined adish Co., Ltd. in November 2016. After assuming the position of the General Manager of the Human Resources and General Affairs Division in January 2017, he was in charge of developing the environment for internal control and promoting the listing of the company on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Market  (Currently Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market) in March 2020. In April 2020, he was appointed as the Administration Division Head. He has taken up the position of the Executive Officer and Administration Division Head in 2021, he was in charge of Service Delivery Division, Enablement Division and Administration Division Head in 2023. Current position since October 2024.

Ryotaro Ohara

Executive Officer, Corporate Strategy Division Head

In 2009, Ohara started his career at OKWAVE, Inc., where he was engaged in ASP sales and advertising businesses. In 2010, he cofounded PTMIND, a Mar Tech SaaS provider, where he was in charge of marketing and business partnerships. He joined the Business Administration Division at adish Co., Ltd. in November 2018 being responsible for business strategy, then he was appointed as the Vice President of Strategy in April 2020. He has been the Executive Officer and Corporate Strategy Division Head since January 2021. Current position since January 2023.

Toshihiro Yoshikawa

Executive Officer in Charge of School Guardian Division Head

Yoshikawa started his career in customer support in companies such as a support center of foreign storage media in 1998 and Yahoo in 2000. He was also involved in sales and event planning at an IT company and joined Gaiax Co., Ltd. in 2014. In October of the same year, he joined the newly started adish Co., Ltd. He was the head of the School Guardian Department from 2016 to 2018. In 2018, he became a director of the company, as well as the head of the Online Community Division. In 2021, he was appointed as the Executive Officer in Charge of Service Promotion Division and School Guardian Division.  He became a Executive Officer in charge of School Guardian Division in 2022,  and he took concurrent control of the School Guardian and Management Promotion Division form 2023. Current position since October 2024.